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Predictive Mineralogy

Possible unrecorded species at Mount Genoa (Isabel Well; Mount Isabella), Mount Augustus area, Upper Gascoyne Shire, Western Australia, Australia

This table is based on statistical analysis of other localities containing similar species to the ones found at this locality.

Possible missing speciesFormulaMatch %Due to recorded presence of
PyriteFeS299.39%Anglesite (64.19 %), Cerussite (56.77 %), Chalcopyrite (75.16 %), Galena (66.84 %), Malachite (52.79 %)
SphaleriteZnS77.91%Anglesite (64.09 %), Cerussite (56.70 %), Chalcopyrite (50.66 %), Galena (65.95 %)
CalciteCaCO377.28%Anglesite (53.86 %), Cerussite (50.77 %)

Key: Mineral matches key element mineralogy of deposit Key element(s) in mineral not listed for deposit (-20% score)

Predicting paragenetic modes of deposit

Green indicates almost certain match based on minerals unique to a certain deposit type. Yellow indicates a possibly poor match, but should not be entirely discounted. Scores > 100 indicate strong confidence.

Paragenetic ModeScore
47c : Low-𝑇 subaerial oxidative hydration, weathering (see also #16 and #23) - [Carbonates, phosphates, borates, nitrates]50
47a : Low-𝑇 subaerial oxidative hydration, weathering (see also #16 and #23) - [Near-surface hydration of prior minerals]35
53 : Other minerals with taphonomic origins35
54 : Coal and other mine fire minerals (see also #51 and #56)16
50 : Coal and/or oil shale minerals16
47b : Low-𝑇 subaerial oxidative hydration, weathering (see also #16 and #23) - [Sulfates and sulfites]15
45a : Oxidized fumarolic minerals (see also [#11]) - [Sulfates, arsenates, selenates, antimonates]15
57 : Other minerals formed by human processes15
47h : Low-𝑇 subaerial oxidative hydration, weathering (see also #16 and #23) - [Near-surface oxidized, dehydrated minerals]15
45b : Oxidized fumarolic minerals (see also [#11]) - [Other oxidized fumarolic minerals]15