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BETA TEST - Fossil data and pages are very much experimental and under development. Please report any problems



Aphodiites is a genus of fossil beetles from the Lias (Lower Jurassic) of Schambelen, (Aargau, Switzerland), and the oldest fossil in the superfamily Scarabaeoidea. Its affinities are not clear; it was originally placed in the Aphodiinae (Scarabaeidae), but its diagnostic characters are shared by beetles such as Glaresis (Glaresidae).

Source Data
Global Biodiversity Information Facility ID (GBIF)1086156https://www.gbif.org/species/1086156
Taxonomy (GBIF)Life : Animalia : Arthropoda : Insecta : Coleoptera : Glaresidae : Aphodiites
Taxonomic Status (GBIF)accepted
-OpisthokontaCavalier-Smith 1987
-EubilateriaAx 1987
-ProtostomiaGrobben 1908
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
superclassHexapodaLatreille 1825
-CercofilataKukalová-Peck 1987
classInsectaLinnaeus 1758
-ParanotaliaSroka et al. 2014
subclassPterygotaBrauer 1885
-NeopterygotaCrampton 1924
infraclassNeopteraMartynov 1923
-ColeopteridaKukalová-Peck and Lawrence 2004
orderColeopteraLinnaeus 1758
suborderPolyphagaEmery 1886
infraorderScarabaeiformiaCrowson 1960
superfamilyScarabaeoideaLatreille 1802
familyGlaresidaeSemenovrlan and Medvedev 1932
genusAphodiitesHeer 1865
Scientific NameAphodiites Heer, 1865
Name Published InUrwelt Schweiz


NameStatusCommon Name(s)Fossil OccurrencesOldestYoungest
Aphodiites protogaeus
accepted (GBIF)
listed (PBDB)
1201 Ma
Early Jurassic
201 Ma
Early Jurassic


Hallan, J. (2000-current). Biology Catalog. Web compilation accessible at http://bug.tamu.edu/research/collection/hallan/ (accessed June 2012). - via The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera
Nomenclator Zoologicus. A list of the names of genera and subgenera in zoology from the tenth edition of Linnaeus, 1758 to the end of 2004. Digitised by uBio from vols. 1-9 of Neave (ed.), 1939-1996 plus supplementary digital-only volume. http://ubio.org/NomenclatorZoologicus (as at 2006). - via The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera
as per family - via The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera
Urwelt Schweiz - via The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera
Data courtesy of: PBDB: The Paleobiology Database, Creative Commons CC-BY licenced. , GBIF: the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, various licences, iDigBio, various licences, and EOL: The Encyclopedia of Life (Open Data Public Domain). Because fossils are made of minerals too!
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