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Aprosdokitos mikrotero

Source Data
Global Biodiversity Information Facility ID (GBIF)9547723https://www.gbif.org/species/9547723
PaleoBioDB ID (PBDB)358689https://paleobiodb.org/classic/checkTaxonInfo?taxon_no=358689
Taxonomy (GBIF)Life : Animalia : Chordata : Aves : Sphenisciformes : Aprosdokitos : Aprosdokitos mikrotero
Taxonomy (PBDB)Life : Animalia : Chordata : Aves : Sphenisciformes : Aprosdokitos : Aprosdokitos mikrotero
Taxonomic Status (GBIF)accepted
-OpisthokontaCavalier-Smith 1987
-TriploblasticaLankester 1877
-NephrozoaJondelius et al. 2002
-DeuterostomiaGrobben 1908
phylumChordataHaeckel 1847
subphylumVertebrataLamarck 1801
superclassGnathostomataGegenbauer 1874
-SarcopterygiiRomer 1955
-ReptiliomorphaSäve-Söderbergh 1934
-AnthracosauriaSäve-Söderbergh 1934
-AmniotaHaeckel 1866
-SauropsidaHuxley 1864
classReptiliaLaurenti 1768
-RomeriidaGauthier et al. 1988
-NeodiapsidaBenton 1985
-SauriaGauthier 1984
-CrocopodaEzcurra 2016
-ArchosauriformesGauthier 1986
-EucrocopodaEzcurra 2016
informalAvemetatarsaliaBenton 1999
-OrnithodiraGauthier 1986
-DinosauromorphaBenton 1985
-DinosauriformesNovas 1992
-NeotheropodaBakker 1986
-AverostraPaul 2002
-TetanuraeGauthier 1986
orderAvetheropodaPaul 1988
suborderCoelurosauriaHuene 1914
-ManiraptoraGauthier 1986
-ParavesSereno 1997
classAvesLinnaeus 1758
-PygostyliaChiappe 2002
-OrnithothoracesChiappe and Calvo 1994
-OrnithuromorphaChiappe et al. 1999
subclassOrnithuraeHaeckel 1866
-CarinataeMerrem 1813
orderSphenisciformesSharpe 1891
genusAprosdokitosAcosta Hospitaleche et al. 2017
speciesAprosdokitos mikroteroAcosta Hospitaleche et al. 2017
Generic NameAprosdokitos
Scientific NameAprosdokitos mikrotero Acosta Hospitaleche et al., 2017
Opinions (PBDB)
Aprosdokitos mikroterospeciesbelongs to Aprosdokitosstated with evidenceAcosta Hospitaleche et al., 2017
Status (PBDB)extinct
Taxon Size (PBDB)1
First Recorded Appearance38.0 - 33.9 Ma
Last Recorded Appearance38.0 - 33.9 Ma
Environmentmarine (based on Sphenisciformes)
Motilityactively mobile (based on Theropoda)
Dietcarnivore (based on Coelurosauria)
Reproductionoviparous, dispersal=direct/internal,mobile (based on Theropoda)
Ontogenyaccretion,modification of parts (based on Theropoda)
Taphonomyhydroxylapatite,compact or dense (based on Theropoda)
Primary Reference (PBDB)C. Acosta Hospitaleche, M. Reguero, and S. Santillana. 2017. Aprosdokitos mikrotero gen. et sp. nov., the tiniest Sphenisciformes that lived in Antarctica during the Paleogene. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie 283(1):25-34

Fossil Distribution

Synonymy List

YearName and Author
2017Aprosdokitos mikrotero Acosta Hospitaleche et al. p. 29 figs. Figs. 4A-D, 5A


Acosta Hospitaleche C., Reguero M., et al (2017) Aprosdokitos mikrotero gen. et sp. nov., the tiniest Sphenisciformes that lived in Antarctica during the Paleogene, Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie 283 1, 25-34 doi:10.1127/njgpa/2017/0624
Data courtesy of: PBDB: The Paleobiology Database, Creative Commons CC-BY licenced. , GBIF: the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, various licences, iDigBio, various licences, and EOL: The Encyclopedia of Life (Open Data Public Domain). Because fossils are made of minerals too!
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